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Network Pass?



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Experienced Brewer
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Post Wed Jul 06, 2011 11:49 am

Network Pass?

i just got a text from G4TV's The Fedd saying and i quote "Sony has announced a Network Pass Program for PS3 games with online capabilites" my question is this what exactly is it? i cnat check it out on G4s website cause it wont load right on my ps3 nor can i check it on teh channel because my Sattelite provider no longer carries it. and its not on the PSBlog so if any one has any info on if this is somethign we are gonna have to start paying for please fill me in and the community in thanks in advance


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Post Wed Jul 06, 2011 2:01 pm

Re: Network Pass?

It's the same thing that EA, Activision, Criterion Games, and others have been doing...
Whenever you buy a game, you'll have a password that goes for that game. You type it in and it gives you online access. If you buy the game used, you cannot use that key and will not have online access unless you buy an online password from the PSN store. Usually the passes are $10. This ensures that the companies that are selling the games aren't losing a profit to second-hand game sales, which hurts the gaming industry more than pirating, actually... It also prevents people from pirating the game and thinking they can use the online features.
Updates and patches are free, as always, and not all titles will have this PSN pass. Is it a bad thing? Nah, I don't think so. You won't see any differences in how you play games or any additional fees unless you buy games from GameStop or plan on pirating your PS3 games.


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Post Thu Jul 07, 2011 8:33 am

Re: Network Pass?

i buy all of my games from gamestop used well msot of em anyways so on this point i am SOL. :P if i didnt like the psn community more than the XBL community and if XBL was free i'd prob gop back to xbl :P if sony keeps screwing people like myself that buys games from gamestop used over. and all in all it's a good concept in theory but it just wont work in the long run. for the simple fact that they are going to be doing it for ALL games that have online play. well let's say the same game gets released on the 360 and the ps3 and i go out and buy a used copy a month after it's release i take it home i put it in my system i go to play it online and lo and behld i have to pay a fee to download a pass while my friend bought the same game at the same time used but he bought a 360 version and he's able to play. it's not gonna work there is a double standard last tiem i checked xbl doesnt have a network pass program unless it's included in the price of your xbl sub


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Post Thu Jul 07, 2011 11:52 am

Re: Network Pass?

Well, Xbox games also have been doing this to prevent piracy and second-hand sales. It's just that the PSN is unifying them so that they are all equally priced and fair to the consumer. Most places it costs 10 dollars for another online pass, but there are others that cost more. And no, they won't be doing to all games. :) Just highly pirated ones like they do now.
The XBL fee doesn't pay for this. XBL fees don't go to the game programmers or creators. They go to Microsoft. That's why this is out for both Xbox and PS3.


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Post Sun Jul 10, 2011 10:27 am

Re: Network Pass?

This is more then likely what will seal the deal for me if I ever decided to get a ps3, theres no way I would buy one if this was on most games, especially exclusives like Resistance. What games have they done this on for the 360 crait? I recall only ever downloading one online pass since I've owned my 360 and that was actually for extra content, not for being able to play online.
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