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Any News on the PSN?



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Post Sun Apr 24, 2011 6:53 pm

Any News on the PSN?

any news on when its gonna be back up and what caused it to go down? if anyone has a link to a website that has more information i would appreciate it. i got RDR again and i need to re-download all my DLCS for it as well as the pre-order stuff they are offering now for .99 a pop.


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Post Sun Apr 24, 2011 7:38 pm

Re: Any News on the PSN?

No news when it will be back up but Sony is thinking of offering stuff to people to compensate for their free service being down. O_O


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Post Sun Apr 24, 2011 10:08 pm

Re: Any News on the PSN?

Only this.

A source with close connections to Sony Computer Entertainment Europe reports that the attack to the PlayStation Network may be a bit deeper than originally reported by Sony. According to the source, who wishes to remain anonymous, the PSN sustained a LOIC attack (which created a denial-of-service attack) that damaged the server. There was also a concentrated attack on the PlayStation servers holding account information. In addition, “Admin Dev accounts were breached.”

As a result, “Sony then shut down the PSN and [is] currently in the process of restoring backups to new servers with new admin dev accounts.” The SCEE source said Japanese servers may be restored tomorrow while the U.S. and E.U. servers will likely be operational the following day.

While this information is only corroborated via a series of Facebook messages, it is certainly not a stretch. Sony Computer Entertainment America recently confirmed that it pulled down the PSN because of an “external intrusion.” This essentially means that hackers were to blame. Sony is officially conducting a thorough investigation. The PSN and Qriocity services were pulled offline by Sony on Wednesday, April 20.

There was plenty of speculation late this week that the Anonymous hackers group was to blame for the PSN downtime. The group previously targeted Sony in retaliation to the legal action against another hacker. Anonymous has since denied involvement in the current PSN downtime.

Again, this information is from a source who claims to have a very close connection with someone at SCEE. We take these reports for what they are at this time, but it is certainly a possibility. If you have information to share, please do so.

"Everyone deserves the right to know what’s been going on," the source wrote in an email.

Source: PSU

Also about being compensated I don't care if I get anything or not it's a free service.
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crait, james :), nathanMK1


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Post Sun Apr 24, 2011 11:43 pm

Re: Any News on the PSN?

I definitely agree, Devil's Advocate, but just for our troubles and because Sony is so cool, they are supposedly doing something extra for us.

Oh, and I have a conspiracy theory that Microsoft was behind this attack...

james :)

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Post Mon Apr 25, 2011 3:34 am

Re: Any News on the PSN?

yh same but its not like sony to do something like that well am just thinking about all the chainmails witch have gone round about them givvin away stuff so its hard to know if they will or not anymore and hmm :/ i herd a runmor that there some amrcian hackers all working togher :/ if so why would they do this mean maybe can seee why if they are xbox people but thats only like a lil arugemnt about witch ones better would they really take it that far? but i hope it comes on soon am missin taken to my other friends that i can only take to via ps3 because they live so far anway


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Post Mon Apr 25, 2011 7:02 am

Re: Any News on the PSN?

Regarding compensation, it would be nice if they did something for PSN+ members if it is down much longer.

james :)

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Post Mon Apr 25, 2011 7:16 am

Re: Any News on the PSN?

yeh it would be but what could they give? :/


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Post Mon Apr 25, 2011 7:28 am

Re: Any News on the PSN?

Free Avatar pack.

james :)

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Post Mon Apr 25, 2011 8:42 am

Re: Any News on the PSN?

yes suppose but wouldn be much use to anyone would it


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Post Mon Apr 25, 2011 8:44 am

Re: Any News on the PSN?

New update from Sony.

I know you are waiting for additional information on when PlayStation Network and Qriocity services will be online. Unfortunately, I don’t have an update or timeframe to share at this point in time.

As we previously noted, this is a time intensive process and we’re working to get them back online quickly. We’ll keep you updated with information as it becomes available. We once again thank you for your patience.

Source: Playstation

james :)

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Post Mon Apr 25, 2011 8:52 am

Re: Any News on the PSN?

hmmm :/ that dont sound good dose it they not gettin anywhere why dont other people like blizzard or google or even xbox live help ps3 insted of leaven it to slow wither away froms the sounds of that dont sound like they'll be getting it back tbh just think if those people are good enough to do that then afterward woundln they just move onto the next one and next one? :/


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Post Mon Apr 25, 2011 8:56 am

Re: Any News on the PSN?

They will get it back sometime, but it will take a while because they are restructuring the service to prevent future attacks from bringing it down. Also it is not blizzard's, google's, and especially not MS's problem. They have their own products to worry about.

james :)

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Post Mon Apr 25, 2011 9:07 am

Re: Any News on the PSN?

well yh i suppose but they'll find another way they always do :/ and yh i know but would'nt they be stronger if they all worked togher to protect eachother and that :/ nut then again if they hacked one that would mean they can do the rest :/ i duno was just thinking like cuz they all have some many smart people and software that they'll be almost intouchable :/


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Post Mon Apr 25, 2011 5:15 pm

Re: Any News on the PSN?

I definitely think they need to give PSN+ members an extra month or something. I totally forgot about that. Other than that, I really don't think I deserve any compensation.


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Post Mon Apr 25, 2011 5:24 pm

Re: Any News on the PSN?

see THIS is why i come to the brew you guys are chock full knowledge that i don't have access too nor the time to access it. :P as for if sony gives compensation it would be nice but i doubt they will to those of us that are free members unless its like money added to our wallet that we can use for a DLC or avatar item. or maybe for those of us free guys a month of PSN+ idk but i'm like crait i don't really expect compensation i just want it back up so i can game again.

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