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Favorite 360 Game?



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Brewology Administrator
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Post Mon Jan 24, 2011 1:51 pm

Favorite 360 Game?

What's your favorite 360 game? I think that Halo: Reach is the best, but I love the first Dead Rising game, too!


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Post Wed Jan 26, 2011 5:05 am

Re: Favorite 360 Game?

COD4 definitely. All of the Assassin's Creed series come in a close second, with Halo 3 securing a third place spot just because of all the memories I have of it.
It's not the religion that causes wars, it's the men who use religion as a means to control people that do.
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Post Wed Jan 26, 2011 10:02 am

Re: Favorite 360 Game?

You liked 3 more than Reach? O_O And I've always disliked the CoD series.


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Post Wed Jan 26, 2011 10:34 am

Re: Favorite 360 Game?

Of course, the whole reticle bloom ruined reach for me. Although I do have better memories with 3 anyways because I remember me and a bunch of my buddies from highschool playing it non stop all the time, and then playing cod4 like every night. It's just hard to beat an "original" imo when it comes to video games. Now Halo PC/ Halo 2 are the best halo's by a long shot imo, but if were just talking about 360 games then yea.
It's not the religion that causes wars, it's the men who use religion as a means to control people that do.
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Post Fri Jan 28, 2011 8:27 am

Re: Favorite 360 Game?

I agree with Halo 3 being my top one.

I played the shiz outta that game, and I STILL play it over Reach.

That game was just very well made.


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Post Wed Jan 04, 2012 12:51 am

Re: Favorite 360 Game?

he Xbox 360 has been around for 4+ years now and has seen hundreds of games released for it. We know what our favorites are, but now we want to know what Xbox 360 games you consider to be the best. It can be any game (retail, XBLA, Indie), and don't worry if it wasn't popular or well reviewed. We want to know what your individual favorites are even if someone else might not agree. Please state the name of the game and then give some reasons why it is one of your favorites. If you make a good enough argument for a game you could earn it a spot in our Top 100 Xbox 360 Games list the next time we update it.

My favorite Xbox 360 game of all time would have to be Left 4 Dead, the online for that game was like nothing I have ever experienced in my life for gaming. Just a wonderful, and fun game. Please tell me what your favorite Xbox 360 game of all time is.....

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