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Render Vs. Back4app to Deploy a Postgres-backed React App?

PostPosted: Thu May 30, 2024 2:16 am
by ErnestineSchillings
Howdy Folks! :)

PostgreSQL is one of my favorite open-source database management systems. I love to use it for my React projects. It has cross-platform support and can be used with different operating systems. However, when it comes to choosing a hosting platform for deploying React applications with Postgres, several names come to mind.

The first name you get here is Back4app. It is basically a CSP with two major offerings: Backend as a Service and Containers. My dev team usually goes with Back4app because of its free-tier, open-source nature, and developer-friendly interface. We also found resources like this helpful in deploying Postgres-backed React applications on the fly. Yes, Back4app is our primary option.

The second platform we are considering is Render. This is another excellent cloud hosting provider that facilitates around a million developers and businesses worldwide. Render provides a containerized environment for quickly deploying React applications.

Render is an affordable solution, but they ask for credit card details even when you go with the free tier. This is annoying for many users.

All in all, I would like to know your thoughts about Back4app and Render for deploying React apps.
