Collection of Information for Further Development of the Top
Having dealt with the thesis topic, the student usually goes to work practice. On it, he collects information, communicates with the right people, and so on. With this approach to business, a fifth-year student has a chance to write a diploma well, as well as successfully defend himself.
If you miss this moment, then it will be quite difficult to prepare material for writing the theoretical and practical parts of the work. In this case, questions may arise that will be difficult to find the answer on your own. Preparation for the correct formulation and understanding of the topic must begin in advance. And in this case, industrial practice is the best place for this. Sometimes it happens that it is not possible to reveal the exact topic, because there is only approximate data on it. But in this case, you should also not be upset, since you can use these materials to the maximum benefit for yourself by focusing on this in your work.
If you do not understand the topic and what is required of him, the student can take a rather risky step, which usually consists in rewriting other people's thoughts. If you decide to do this, try to reformulate this information so as not to be caught plagiarizing, otherwise it will be returned to you.
Sometimes another not very pleasant situation may arise: a student works, writes a paper, brings it to the supervisor and hears a certain verdict: “The work does not correspond to the research topic.” With such a development of events, it is worth acting immediately. In this case, the most important thing is not to give up ahead of time, since it is still possible to fix it. The main thing is to know how.
What to do if the thesis topic does not correspond to the declared one?
If you are in a similar situation, you can do the following:
- to make changes to the title of the topic, while discussing this option at the department, it may well happen that the teachers will make a certain concession and modify the wording of the topic so that the fifth-year student can defend himself;
- if the work is very different from the given topic, then it will have to be partially rewritten, but in this case the student will need to hurry;
If you suddenly decide to go for a forgery and provide a completely different one instead of one job, then such a deception will be revealed. In addition, it is not known whether will let you rewrite your work or immediately send you to be expelled from the university. To fly out in this way in the fifth year would be insulting and stupid. It happens that while writing a thesis, a future graduate finds some inconsistencies in it. There is nothing to worry about, since you can rewrite such pieces of text yourself or ask for help from your supervisor, who can advise you on how best to do it.
More resources:
Main Mistakes Made on the Defense of the Thesis
Common Thesis Defense Flaws
Mistakes in the Thesis. How to Avoid and Correctly Correct?
Design Errors in Your Thesis
The Theme of the Thesis Is Not Disclosed. What to Do?