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PSN error 80022920 help pls

PostPosted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 11:13 am
by sephiroth
i installed version 3.60spoof version..i cn sign in and even cn get into PS store and stuff...i tried to sync my trophies with the server...and it reaches to 15% and suddenly it shows an error (80022920)..i hav no idea hw to make my trophies sync with the site..cud any1 pls help me?? hw to remove this error from coming??? pls help me guys...plssssssss

Re: PSN error 80022920 help pls

PostPosted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 3:23 pm
by D3ViLsAdvocate
You need to use f*ckpsn .6 along with the 3.60 spoof.

Re: PSN error 80022920 help pls

PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 12:09 am
by Skelator03
no need for 3.6 spoof .... that said none of that works now