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Final Fantasy VII Remake?



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Post Tue Apr 08, 2008 1:14 am

Final Fantasy VII Remake?

Ok i heard that there would be a remake of FFVII For PS3 does anyone know if this is just a rumor or if its actually true?
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Post Tue Apr 08, 2008 11:09 am

the lowdown

i herd this befor to it came about due to a cg vid squar soft made to show the ps3 capability's. but they came out with a statment that said they are not intrested in doing a remake for FF7.

but this did resurfice


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Post Tue Apr 08, 2008 1:12 pm

We can only hope, it would be awesome with online play.


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Post Wed Apr 09, 2008 11:25 pm

Yeh if it did happen i actually think ill fall over on the spot the second i hear the release date but it prob wont.
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Post Fri Apr 18, 2008 4:51 pm

no one knows but at the end of Crisis Core it says be continued in Final Fantasy 7


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Post Wed Apr 30, 2008 11:37 am

That's probably just there to tease those that want a remake so bad they go on GameFAQs, posting: "OMG WE NEEDZ A REMAKE, GRAFX IN ORIGINAL SUXXXXX!!!!!11". Crisis Core leads right up to No. 7, so after the player finishes, they can continue in 7, then AC and DoC.
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Post Mon Aug 04, 2008 12:02 pm

Roxas wrote:no one knows but at the end of Crisis Core it says be continued in Final Fantasy 7

yeah, i saw that too, but they might just be talking about FF7 for Ps1.
Ive played it and it pretty much continues the story. There are even flashbacks and stuff of things that happened in Crisis Core.


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Post Mon Aug 04, 2008 11:13 pm

Its not for sure but I just hope that big announcement of theirs at TGS will be an exclusive for the PS3.

D3m0n1k Ang3l

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Post Sun Sep 28, 2008 7:54 pm

AdventWolf wrote:We can only hope, it would be awesome with online play.

NO! keep multiplayer away from RPG's! lol Final Fantasy VII should be just a remake, with nothing added (espically not multiplayer *sudders at the thought*)

I would love to see a Final Fantasy VII remake, I still own the game for the PSX, and to this day, the only game thats as good as Final Fantasy VII is Legend of Dragoon (which I also still own :))

btw, what is it with people and online play? I personally absoutely hate multiplayer (its not fun at all to me) is it just me? i like single player games most (which oddly enough JRPG's is my fave genre) I miss the old PSX days when multiplayer never existed and games were long, Todays games are just too freaking short (except for JRPG's [thank god]) most (not all) are just too repetitive and are way too short and the AI is just way to dumb.

I blame the problem on for one, multiplayer, but mainly on the size of the discs of the 360. If the 360 were to be able to use discs of a bigger capacity then maybe we'd see alot more longer, better games outside of the JRPG genre.


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Post Mon Sep 29, 2008 3:04 pm

FFVII is my favorite game of all time, I would hate for them to change anything at all if they made a remake. I own it as well :). Only enhance the graphics and possibly voice overs.. but they better be dam good! About the Online play, I used to be a huge fan of MMORPGs and it just adds a cool factor to the game. Although I would suggest they would make it so you can play it either online or offline. I would love to go around and quest with my fellow FF7 fans. Chocobo races, the works 8).

So you don't like any online game? Like CoD4 or Halo?

I agree with you about today's games are WAAAAY too short, they should be a lot longer. However, online play makes certain games worth buying.

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Post Wed Oct 01, 2008 10:26 pm

AdventWolf wrote:FFVII is my favorite game of all time, I would hate for them to change anything at all if they made a remake. I own it as well :). Only enhance the graphics and possibly voice overs.. but they better be dam good! About the Online play, I used to be a huge fan of MMORPGs and it just adds a cool factor to the game. Although I would suggest they would make it so you can play it either online or offline. I would love to go around and quest with my fellow FF7 fans. Chocobo races, the works 8).

So you don't like any online game? Like CoD4 or Halo?

I agree with you about today's games are WAAAAY too short, they should be a lot longer. However, online play makes certain games worth buying.

imho, Halo is just over hyped trash the online to me seems like its the equivilent to "online for dummies" except for it being a book, its an actual game. ever watch X-play? or the "pro tips with pro gamer T-square" (which is a segment on X-play, which is a game review show on G4) the stuff he does imho, seems like stuff a nub would do, like jump onto high places by glitches, and using the rocket launcher alot, etc etc I just dont see whats so fun about Halo online, I personally think its complete garbage. The story mode in Halo is what kept me interested in Halo 2 and 3, I still think that Halo Combat Evolved is the best out of all 3. I did play F.E.A.R's online for a good while, and Shadowrun I also played for a while, same with Lost Planet, but those really are the only 3 games that I liked online play in (havnt really done any online on the PS3 yet, dont really know anyone that plays online on the PS3 alot so really no one to play with that I know -_-) CoD4 I still havnt played, but thats mainly due to CoD3 ruining the series to me (yes I do know its made by a different team, same with the new one thats comming out its being made by the people that did 3) I do plan to eventually try CoD4 out, its just when ever I get a chance.

Wouldnt mind trying out Resistance's online or Metal Gear Solid 4's, its just like I said before I dont know anyone that plays both of those online (those are 2 of the few online enabled games I own for the PS3 [I also got Soul Calibur IV for the PS3, but other then those 3 games the rest are really single play only/co-op [[Mercenaires 2 is the co-op game im referring to]]|])


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Post Thu Oct 02, 2008 6:36 pm

I haven't played Halo's but I've played CoD4's online. It is awesome, you should definitely try it out. The story mode is good too, it is by FAR the best CoD game.
MGS4's online is so so, it is tough at first but you get used to the controls and gameplay. You must aim high for the head, or it will take forever to get a kill. But it has some neat stuff too.
But read this review about MGS4!

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