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Meatal Gear Solid History help plz!



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Post Tue Jun 03, 2008 10:37 am

Meatal Gear Solid History help plz!

Heres the thing, I wana get the New Metal Gear Solid 4 Guns of the of the Patriots, but theres one little problem, I havent played any of the previous versions and have no clue wat the story is about. So far I know that this series goes waaay back , theres 3 Snakes, I need a summarised version of the story. Does any1 know where I can watch it or read a summerised version of the story because its very long. Thanx


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Post Tue Jun 03, 2008 10:43 am

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Post Tue Jun 03, 2008 10:47 am

Thanx Roxfox, ur right but Wkipedia explains everything in detail (important or not) and thats not a bad thing but theres waaaay 2 much stuff. I was just wondering if somewhere sum1 summerised the whole story or just pointed out the things u NEED 2 know to play Guns of the Patriots


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Post Tue Jun 03, 2008 10:50 am

Umm, I think there is an MGS Manga...
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Post Tue Jun 03, 2008 2:29 pm

there is a comic book for metal gear solid, but here's what's cannon in chronological order

Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater

Set in 1964 at the height of the Cold War, this game follows Naked Snake - Later known as "Big Boss" - into the Soviet jungle to recover a scientist who has been working on a new type of tank that can fire a nuclear missile. It is heavily influenced by the style of James Bond movies, from the love interests to the classic visual style of the opening credits.

Snake Eater provides closure to many hanging plot points raised in other MGS titles. For example, the role of The Philosophers in the series' narrative is explained, as well as details of Big Boss's character arc. The game made several references to actual events in the series' past, and provided a background to the mysterious Revolver Ocelot, first introduced in Metal Gear Solid.

Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops

In 1970, six years after Operation: Snake Eater, features Naked Snake (known as Big Boss) now that he has split away from the FOX unit. Para-Medic informs Big Boss that his former FOX unit comrades have started a revolt, and that Big Boss himself is now being charged with treason. Snake will have to fight his way through a number of heavily guarded compounds and take out a number of renegade FOX agents and recruit a group of soldiers to assist him which will then form a precursor to the FOXHOUND organization. At the end of the game, Big Boss' motives for making Outer Heaven are also explained, as well as some background about the foundation of The Patriots. Also, some light has been shed on the mystery of the sons of Big Boss near the end.

Metal Gear

In 1995, 200 km north of Galzburg, the South African nation of Outer Heaven is held by a mysterious mercenary. Word had gotten out to the western world that deep within the Outer Heaven stronghold a weapon of mass destruction was being constructed. Government officials order the high-tech Special Forces squad, FOXHOUND, to infiltrate the fortress, assess the situation and neutralize the threat. Known as "Operation: Intrude N313," FOXHOUND operative Gray Fox infiltrated the Outer Heaven stronghold. Days later, contact with Gray Fox is lost. His last transmission reads, "METAL GEAR..."

Another operative, the rookie Solid Snake, is ordered by FOXHOUND leader Big Boss to find the missing operative Gray Fox and carry out his mission. Upon infiltrating Outer Heaven, Snake discovers the advanced nuclear weapon system Metal Gear and learns from its imprisoned creator how to destroy it. Snake succeeds after a series of grueling battles with the mercenary forces which defend Outer Heaven and the sophisticated electronic defenses surrounding Metal Gear itself. It is then that he meets the man who rules Outer Heaven: FOXHOUND's own commander, Big Boss. Big Boss activates the destruct sequence for the fortress, but is defeated by Snake who escapes as the base crumbles behind him.

Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake

By 1999 the Cold War had thawed, and nuclear disarmament by the major world powers promised a bright beginning to the 21st century. Despite this, all was not well in the world. A series of shocks to the oil market spurred the development of new high-tech energy sources, including nuclear fusion power. However, most vehicles still relied on oil for power. A breakthrough solution is presented in Prague by Czech scientist Dr. Kio Marv: a type of algae which can produce petroleum-grade hydrocarbons. However, somewhere between the (presently known as) Czech Republic and the United States, he is kidnapped by forces belonging to the heavily fortified nation of "Zanzibar Land."

Solid Snake is sent in to rescue the scientist. He discovers that the nation's leaders plan to hold the world hostage through both the oil supply (now tied inexorably to Dr. Marv's research) and nuclear weapons (through a new form of Metal Gear). The man in the seat of power in Zanzibar Land is none other than Big Boss, and his newest lieutenant is Snake's old comrade Gray Fox (who supposedly dies in a fistfight in a mined room). While Snake succeeds in destroying Metal Gear and bringing down Big Boss, he finds the blood of his best friend on his hands. Upon completing the mission, Snake leaves the military and disappears into the Alaskan wilderness to seek peace in isolation.

Metal Gear Solid

Sometime in February 2005, Solid Snake is forcefully called out of retirement by his old commanding officer Roy Campbell and given a new mission. Apparently, the Special Forces unit FOXHOUND and the Next Generation Special Force were conducting a training exercise on Shadow Moses Island in Alaska's Fox Archipelago when the unit suddenly revolted against the U.S. government. Their demands include the remains of the legendary mercenary Big Boss, and they threaten a nuclear strike within twenty-four hours if their demands are not met. Snake is given two objectives: first, to infiltrate the nuclear weapons disposal facility and rescue DARPA Chief Donald Anderson and Kenneth Baker, the President of ArmsTech. Secondly, he must stop the terrorists from launching a nuclear strike. Secretly, this is also to prevent FOXHOUND from making away with the first (known) American Government backed Metal Gear but eventually Snake uncovers this.

Solid Snake defeats or otherwise neutralizes most of FOXHOUND and the other terrorists in battle, with the exception of Revolver Ocelot, who flees; and Decoy Octopus, who dies of what appears to be a heart attack while disguised as DARPA Chief Donald Anderson. During his mission, Snake discovers that both he and the commanding officer of FOXHOUND -- and mastermind behind their betrayal -- are genetic duplicates of Big Boss. He duels his biological brother, Liquid Snake, who mysteriously dies at the heat of their battle in the same manner as Decoy Octopus and Kenneth Baker, seemingly of a heart attack. It is revealed that Snake's mission was a ruse, and he was intended as a vector to carry an experimental virus, FOXDIE, into the facility and unknowingly kill off specific targets. Following their escape from the facility, Solid Snake, Meryl Silverburgh and Hal Emmerich are declared as dead. The remaining survivor, Revolver Ocelot, is revealed retrospectively as a double agent working for President George Sears, for whom he retrieved the specifications for the Government-backed Metal Gear REX.

Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty

[edit] Tanker Chapter

Metal Gear Solid 2 opens on the George Washington bridge in New York City, on the night of March 22, 2007, two years after the events of Metal Gear Solid. Solid Snake, now a member of the NGO Philanthropy, is investigating the development of a new Metal Gear, consistently described only as having been designed to "wipe the floor with all the other models." Snake's mission (planned by Snake and Otacon) is to take pictures of the new Metal Gear prototype and release them to the media, hopefully resulting in anti-Metal Gear sentiments from the public. The new Metal Gear model is being transported for testing by the U.S. Marines following the proliferation of Metal Gear REX's blueprints. Shortly after Snake's arrival to the oil tanker Discovery, a large group of Russian terrorists hijack the ship. These troops are later identified to be under the command of Sergei Gurlukovich, the GRU commander to whom Liquid Snake was scheduled to sell the plans for Metal Gear REX after the events of Metal Gear Solid. After sneaking up to the bridge of the ship, Snake must fight off Olga Gurlukovich, daughter of Sergei. After achieving victory, Solid Snake steals his way down to the holds in order to record pictures of the new Metal Gear. However, he finds that the hijacking troops have intentionally not attempted to take over the holds yet - with good reason. The holds are filled with armed Marines, and attacking would result in a huge fire-fight. The Metal Gear in question is found out to be Metal Gear RAY, an amphibious prototype. The mission rapidly goes from bad to worse as Revolver Ocelot appears in the holds, murders Sergei Gurlukovich, triggers bombs that had been planted all over the tanker, thus sinking it, and steals Metal Gear RAY. His words are that he is "taking it back," for the Patriots.

Incidentally, Revolver Ocelot is sporting a new right arm after his heated conflict with Solid Snake in Metal Gear Solid; it is revealed that the arm is that of the late Liquid Snake when the arm (which seems to have Liquid's personality contained in it) takes over Ocelot's mind just as he is getting in to Metal Gear RAY.

[edit] Plant Chapter

The player finds himself in control of Raiden, supposedly operating under FOXHOUND two years after the Tanker Chapter, April 29, 2009. His mission is revealed to be to rescue the U.S. President and other hostages from the "Big Shell" facility off the shoreline of New York City from the anti-terrorist group Dead Cell, who are calling themselves the "Sons of Liberty" and claiming to be led by Solid Snake. Raiden enters through an oil fence while SEAL Team 10 enters by air as a distraction from Raiden's infiltration. During Raiden's mission he meets with the self-proclaimed Lt. Junior Grade Iroquois Pliskin as well as Peter Stillman, a bomb disposal expert that was brought in with the SEALs; and a cyborg ninja imitating Gray Fox's ninja persona but calling himself Mr. X.

It is revealed that the Solid Snake leading Dead Cell is in fact Solidus Snake, a third clone from Big Boss, the cyborg ninja is Olga Gurlukovich, and that Iroquois Pliskin is the real Solid Snake in disguise. It is later revealed that the Big Shell (and the sinking of the oil tanker) was merely a cover-up for the development of "Arsenal Gear", an amphibious mobile fortress defended by a fleet of mass-produced, unmanned variants of Metal Gear RAY as well as a large payload of missiles. Through meeting with Emma Emmerich (Otacon's stepsister), Raiden discovers that Arsenal Gear was secretly built as part of a conspiracy by the Illuminati-like "Patriots" to further their control over the public interests. It carries a neural network of supercomputers facilitated by several AIs, two of which are named "GW" and "JFK", which is designed to monitor, block, and tamper with Internet communications, in order to further the totalitarian agenda of "The Patriots." By the end of Metal Gear Solid 2, all of the members of Dead Cell except for Vamp, as well as several characters introduced throughout the story, are dead and Liquid Snake's personality seems to have completely assumed control over Ocelot, and the new nickname of Liquid Ocelot. Few of the questions raised by the original Metal Gear Solid are answered, and Sons of Liberty brings up even more. The game ends on April 30, 2009.

Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

Set in 2014, five years after the "Manhatten Incident" (the events of the Plant chapter from Metal Gear Solid 2) and fifty years after the chronologically earliest game MGS3, Metal Gear Solid 4 portrays a world where the restriction of military intervention on foreign soil has eased, fueling the need for private military companies (PMCs) to fight proxy wars for business purposes - a lucrative, yet troubling development that becomes the pillar of the world's economy. The five largest of these PMCs are owned by a single Mother company Outer Haven, which is operated by the main villain, and evil Liquid Ocelot (Leader of Outer Haven or Snake's old archnemesis) and his new partner Vamp, whose intentions seem to be creating another vision of Big Boss's dream, this time calling it "Outer Haven". Amassing a modernized army that contests that of the United States, Liquid prepares to launch an armed insurrection against The Patriots. In order to prepare for the assault, Liquid is trying to hijack a plane to . The soldier's 3rd generation nanomachines are based on the design of the first nano-generation that consisted of the FOXDIE virus, therefore Liquid has subsequently kidnapped its original creator Naomi Hunter to find out how the system operates. With the world once again in crisis, a rapidly aging and disillusioned Solid Snake (now going by the codename "Old Snake"), with the help of Otacon, Drebin (a suspicious arms dealer who mods the PMC's ID tagged weapons), FOXHOUND Rat Patrol Team 01 (now under the command of Meryl Silverburgh and acting under orders of the U.S. Army CID), and Raiden (now a cyborg ninja) is deployed into the Middle East by his former C.O. Roy Campbell (who is working for an organization of the U.N.) This will be Snake's final mission.

Ryan Payton has mentioned that the fight between Raiden and Vamp in the E3 2007 trailer was in fact taking place in South America, and that the scene with Metal Gear REX and Metal Gear RAY was taking place in a location familiar to Metal Gear fans from what seems to take place at Shadow Moses.[16]



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Post Tue Jun 03, 2008 2:53 pm

Why is there 2 MEtal Gear Solids?
MGS2 Solid Snake
MGS2 Sons of Liberty
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Post Tue Jun 03, 2008 2:56 pm

Its a series, hence the different parts. U've got the Metal Gear series, which I dnt think is that significant. Then u've got the Metal Gear Solid (1,2,3) series, which u need 2 look at 4 the Guns of Patriots.


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Post Tue Jun 03, 2008 7:29 pm

metal gear 1 and metal gear 2 for msx2 are significant. (metal gear 2: snakes revenge for nes isnt)

its the story of solid snake on his first missions against terrorists and (:shock:spolier:shock:)

big boss his father/self/clone based off body dude

the newest 3 (soon to be 4) are called solid, because they have "solid" 3d graphics, said Hideo Kojima


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Post Tue Jun 03, 2008 11:00 pm

Wat do u mean the rest r called solid?Am confused coz as far as I know theres only one solid, then theres liquid, Solidus, Ocelot Liquid


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Post Wed Jun 04, 2008 2:35 am

sonic wrote:Wat do u mean the rest r called solid?Am confused coz as far as I know theres only one solid, then theres liquid, Solidus, Ocelot Liquid

He's talking about the game titles, not the characters. Metal Gear games were older on the NES and MSX2 game systems. When the series launched on the Playstation 1, it was named Metal Gear Solid. Whether it was named "Solid" for the 3d graphics, I'm not sure. I haven't found where Hideo Kojima has said that or not. I thought they were named "Solid" because they introduced "Liquid" snake and didn't want confusion... idk.

The games are ridiculously hard to follow. I don't think that you could even write a book series about the games that would give you a good sense of clarity on the storyline. There are some truly bizarre twists in some of the games. You'll be playing a game that you thought was completely based on non-fictional ideas, and then something completely fictional will throw itself into the loop. Metal Gear Solid 2 Sons of Liberty was criticized for this heavily. At one point you're sneaking into an enemy compound, the next, you are fighting a "Vampire". Also, some of the stuff later in the game that involve Revolver Ocelot are truly ideas that came from WAY left field and almost ruined the game for me.

Here's what I suggest though. If you don't know your Metal Gear History, really the ONLY way to know the history is to play the games. It isn't like Sonic games where if you wanted to know what Sonic did in the first game, you'd be able to talk about Emerald Hill Zone and so on. The Metal Gear Solid games are targeted at a more mature audience and the storylines are equally as complex, often layering aspects of the story throughout multiple games. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater may seem like a bit of a fluke until you play Portable Ops and understand the story better.

I think, for sure, that you should play Metal Gear Solid, Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, and Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater.

Another few things that are very important. You aren't playing as the same guy the entire series. On the NES, you were playing as Snake. Snake took his orders from "Big Boss". "Solid Snake" is the same person as "Snake". "Naked Snake" is "Big Boss" though, who you play as in Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. He's called "Naked Snake" as a codename for that particular mission, and his success on his mission makes the name stick. At the end of the game, the government promotes "Naked Snake" to "Big Boss" - who creates FOXHOUND, who genetically clones two main experiments, Solid Snake and Liquid Snake (one having all of the recessive genes, and one having the dominant genes - play the series to find out which is which). The "Genome Army" are also clones but are failures, in a way, and aren't nearly as advanced as Solid or Liquid Snake.

I mean, look at how long this post was. I barely covered any ground and it's sooo long.

We COULD tell you precisely what happened in the stories from the games leading up to 4, but at the same time, we "can't" do that because you'd be missing out 100% of the character development behind who the characters are, why they are in the game and so on. We can't just say Sonic went through Emerald Hill Zone - play the new Sonic because it's better and has more levels. With Metal Gear Solid, we're forced to say, "play through the series because the story is so involving that there's no way that we can tell you all about it without you getting lost". - still, if we explained it perfectly, you'd still be missing out on how the story develops anyways. Play them. You have a bit to wait before 4 launches. Play "Metal Gear Solid The Twin Snakes" on Gamecube for a great remake of the original. You should be able to beat all of the games within a week.

D3ViLsAdvocate wrote:Try shaking the salt harder onto your tongue.


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Post Thu Jun 05, 2008 2:08 pm

That is the best game series in the world by the way... It's Such a good game. They All are.


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Post Thu Jun 05, 2008 10:05 pm

I really believe that they have to be played in order to understand them fully. Even then, with the cliffhangers and unexplained aspects of the different plots, you'll still have questions about where the series it turning, in which case, Metal Gear Solid 4 should hopefully provide the concluding answers.

D3ViLsAdvocate wrote:Try shaking the salt harder onto your tongue.

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